From the Diary of Duchess Witherington

An old tyme girl in the modern day world

Thursday, July 10, 2003

he was there!!! HE WAS THERE HE WAS THERE HE WAS THERE!!!! actually both were there!!! TALIB AND LIAM!!!! WHAT A NIGHT!!!! *sigh* okay quick down low on these guys.
Talib is 20 he goes to university in the states, he's majoring in music with a focus on the steel drum (pan). He's like a play with a very soft side. good for long relationships so i think and and all around nice guy. INSTANT RE-PLAY: although there are many conversations to choose from-all of which were inuendo doused-most memerable moment: i needed to get a phone number from him for a soca guy so i followed him to his car where we stood arguing because he said he didn't have the number and that i should call him tomorrow, but i wanted it tonight, and then he was like 'wait na, you might be lucky' he checked his phone and the number was there and he told me that it might be his number, so i said that if it wasn't he was going to be recieving a very mean call tomorrow... and he said that he liked getting any kinda calls, nice calls, mean calls booty calls....this said while looking at me.... what am i to think? im not calling him tomorrow thats for sure! do i ever adore him! i am crushing him steadily.... so there is my crush.. should anyone want to know i for sure have a crush... nothing will come of it but there it is.
Liam on the other hand is more of a friend than a crush... if he was 2 years older he would be a definate on my crush list there would be no doubt. but liam is turning 16 this year, so that is a slight robbing the cradle situation. he is unbelievably nice.. i adore him to no end... when im with him i think "ta hell with the damn age issue" but then i look at him and think... how could i??? but look at it this way ... he is adorable, a very hansome young man, in my opinion hot, i love his hair long but not like paddy long and kinda shaggy. i love the look. his sexiest feature -*and tay will agree with me on this*- is that he is a musician.. and not just any musician, he is an amazing musician. he is -like i said- turning 16 and at this point he has dropped out of school to persue the musical career. his parents support him because his dad is a musician as well. liam has a record deal and plays gigs all the time.. my brooding artist! INSTANT RE-PLAY: there are no most memerable moments the whole time was fun.
so ya. kate you said to have fun at pan. i really did.
Mood: very Very VERY happy... then i think about the fact that i haven't done my scholoarship papers and have to send it off by tomorrow!
Song right now: The 'Clone High' theme song
Random thought of this morning: light on... light off.. light on... light off... gone to bed.


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