From the Diary of Duchess Witherington

An old tyme girl in the modern day world

Thursday, May 22, 2003

YAY for fun and tiring days! all day (since 7:30 this morning) at the hotels by the airport. the first one that we were in was beautiful pretty lights and places to sit... just all around beautifulness... the second one looked like a rundown auto body shop from the outside... not that bad..but would the story be interesting if it was as beautiful as the first!? either way... my feet were unbelievably sore from the shoes that i was wearing... all the running around and the stupid nylons... who really wears nylons!? ... this was the absolute last school performance of third stream... not as dramatic and tearjerking as the concert but when we were not bitching about our feet hurting or wondering why we couldn't leave it was sad in it's own way. cool time hanging out with rory, he is so much fun... if only he was older i would persue him like a mad thing (permission to use your saying tay?) but alas he is not. *sigh* the only good guy left!? on second thought maybe i will persue him.... what could the harm be... i am (after all) not going to be there next year.... any comments... people that know him..!? maybe i shouldn't!! ahh well.. university boys here i come!
back to my day....came home.. 6:30... almost 12 hours spent gone! went and did my nails...... wow... how much fun was that!? it was awesome fun (if you don't know)!!!
and now here i sit with my mother ruling the tv like the queen of tonga (hahahah Rez reference) .... how can anyone write in their journal when you can't listen of watch what you want?! ahhh well... i guess the sound of the mic being tested is my sigh to finish up.. time to go sing...
Random thought of the day: I......HAVE......A.......CELL.........PHONE!!!!


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