From the Diary of Duchess Witherington

An old tyme girl in the modern day world

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Where to start? There has been so much going on in the last few weeks that have forced me to omit blogging from my schedule, but now… it’s back and in full effect! So I believe that I must catch you up! Well let’s see…
There has been so much school that I believe that I could cry…john… I guess that I brought it on myself… the whole not doing any work for so long only to have to make it all up at the end in frenzy. But that is not important.
ARTS CAMP…. It ripped the ones I loved the most right from my heart and threw them away for a whole week!!! Only for one of them (T not mentioning any names B) came back sick!!! I was ever sad, but she… I mean the friend is getting better.

Next is that unfortunate week of arts camp…NOT A DAMN THING HAPPENED… there was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooojohnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much work that I thought I was going to die from the excruciating pain of thinking non-stop.

Then comes the week when everyone came back. Wok wok wok wok wok wok wok, me tyad!!! And for those that don’t understand Trini… work work work work work work work I am tired!!! But to end the week off there was the promise of MUSIC BANQUET! That was the driving force, pushing me to finish what I had to do. Just the thought of it made my body quiver with desire… the desire to sit among friends in a formal setting and reminisce on the years that were almost over!!! To feel I belonged; included, and to dance for the last time surrounded by all my music peers. And the night came…
(Time for a break, as I am very tired!!! I must rejuvenate to continue)

AND HERE I AM BACK AGAIN!!!! Right now where was i….ahh yes I remember… MUSIC BANQUET!!! I had an amazing time… the most fun music banquet ever… probably because this is my last and it really felt like it… especially when they showed the slide show. It dawned on me.. this really is it… there is no more and im off to university!!! I can barely believe it, the years have gone by soooo fast, my head is spinning! But to all that I danced with I just want to say.. you have aided in the making of a very memorable experience. Max is hilarious.. he just dances and dances and dances.. he really doesn’t stop. Kirk.. is ever hot and I adore him to death… oww oww… I got a nice dance from him. Rory… what can anyone possibly say about Rory… he is the best guy I have in my life, I respect, admire, love, and worship him, he is the awesomist, and he’s mine so if any one tries for him I will kill lolz!! Just kidding… im actually auditioning girls to be his girlfriend, no skanky hootchies need apply. Everyone I danced with definitely made it hot in therr (im talking about two special guys that created the ‘Amanda sandwich’, and shall in all respects be named Gregy and Seupaul!! Ow ow!!! And two more special guys that I danced with, who’s names will be withheld at this point in time, but I will say that both dances were slow)

Well that over there was next my gig on Saturday night!! [im a backup singer in the Ramajae Kiaso Tent] long night standing up I almost fainted from the thought of standing after that. On the up side…Metro, one of the calypsonians that I back up for, is taking a slight interest in me.. I think.. well I guess I hope… maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part but he called me his wifey.. that’s a good sign…right!??!!?!? He is, to date, the only black guy that I think I could even date. Most black guys that I have met have been of the, as my mother would define them.. jugga jugga nature… I have nothing more in common with them that the fact that we are both black. Finally a black guy, and a trini at that, that can talk to me about actual things as opposed to just rap music and sex! I think im in love!!! Hahaha.

So now here I am on Sunday so unbelievably tired that I can’t keep my eyes open… I think I will finish that tomorrow morning.

(the next morning)
Here I am again!! Yay me!!! Last night after leaving my blogging I decided to take a walk with Katie Palmer… hilarious. We pretended that we were teenage mothers. Katie pushed a pram and I stuffed my shirt with sheets. Now I know what they go through… everyone looked at me and I felt so ashamed, and I didn’t even do any thing.. I was very happy to remove the sheets from my shirt and go back to being the normal me! During my walk jamil called and wanted to go to a movie… I didn’t think that my mum would let me go cause I had school the next day, but because school is almost over she let me go.. I felt so special going to the movies on a Sunday night, and I saw ‘2 FAST 2 FURIOUS’ now I was very hyped up for this movie! Tyrese is hot and I couldn’t wait to see him.. oh baby o baby.. BUT the acting in that movie was terrible! It seemed sooo forced that it reminded me of those comedies that make fun of people that can’t act or are trying to pretend to have grown up in ‘da huud’ (paul walker) but either way it provided relief to an otherwise dismal Sunday! more to come….


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