From the Diary of Duchess Witherington

An old tyme girl in the modern day world

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

I was never an American Idol fan but as it got close to the end i realized that there was nowhere to turn without hearing about the show and so i thought to myslef "hey why not give the show a try?" so there i was 4 weeks from the end watching the show before Josh -'the marine' as i like to call him- was voted off. i was horrified... how could they vots off such a cute guy... his voice did need a bit of work, but i was blown away by his looks! and then we were down to the last 3... no if you know anything about me, it's that i can't watch a series... i either forget to watch the show and after awhile i forget about it completely, or i am doing something when the show comes on and only remember about it after...but with this show what else could i do!? my father watched it, my mother watched it.. and both at different tv's and the computer is right beside a tv. so week three i am totally hooked and have to watch it when i get home. they vote off the girl (at this point i am attaching myself to ruben like a mother with an umbilical cord to her child). "poor kinberly" i say... what a nice girl... but at least ruben is there to she my black pride. now it's tight... ruben and clay how can one choose?! they are both such awesome singers... i can't badmouth clay because i have such respect for him it's uncanny... i think if he had won i would have been sorry for ruben, but rejoiced for clay! And the final week comes....i am pumped... ready for the final decision... all the commercials and extra things that were put in there... i almost couldn't take it.. finally they are about the announce and my heart is pounding in my chest, i am sitting on the edge of my seat, not breathing, and eyes wide open. "And our next American Idol is..... RUBEN!" my mum and i couldn't contain ourselves... we were jumping up and down and screaming, i couldn't sit down for his whole song!
My entire being was rocked beyond control! first of all he is a big guy... there are not many of those in the music industry... second he is black... not a big feat but whenever a brotha achieves something, i feel pride *sigh*.... third... i think he is unbelievably cute! he is so humble, modest....and a smile to die for. WHY CAN'T THERE BE ANY GUYS LIKE THAT IN MARKHAM?!
while i doubt like anything that anyone ever cares what i am thinking right now... i feel i should say that i am very proud of him and i wish him the best in his endeavors of the future.... i also hope that one day i can meet him and sit and talk to him... what a wonderful person he is... either way....not important....

2 days to prom (technically)- i am so very ready .... but i don't get it... all this planing and stressing and running around for one night!!! this better be the best night of my life, excluding my wedding night of course! now all i have to do is get through the next 2 days...up in the morning tomorrow for third stream on the bus by 7:30!! back at 5:00, then a nail and foot appointment for 6:30 and bed/ staying up to go on the computer. then the both dreaded and most awaited for friday... on the bus again.. this time for 7:00! back at 12:00... stright to the hair dresser's... home about 3... then out to the make up place... home about 4 (last minute shopping with mummy) then home to eat something small before dinner... wait until 6:30...MY DRESS and then PRIMP.... from there stright to.........PROMING! YAY! i mean yay.
but for now i need to do a bit of leg service... so here i go....
Random thought of the day: i want to know why there are 4 AA batteries lying in front of me...


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