From the Diary of Duchess Witherington

An old tyme girl in the modern day world

Monday, July 07, 2003

I really gotta keep doing this on a consistent basis instead of just random here and there cause I am missing out on some prime stuff in my blog!!! I’m sorry to everyone that is reading it and knows that im missing some fun times…. But I just heard that JEN went to Montreal… I didn’t know this!!!! I hope she had fun and LIZ as well (cause I was hanging out with her last night… she said they had fun!!! So that’s excellent. At this doing I should be working on my scholarship stuff cause it has to go out on Friday, but of course im not doing that!
either way... AFROPAN hasn't started up yet... this makes me slightly mad because we went all the way down there to go to practice on wed. and there was no one there... the place was peopley DRY! thats sad... my one month that is suppoesed to be filled with carribean peoples and music and fun... and i am denied of what i consider to be the beginning of my spectacular month, but whatever... i will be there as of monday.
i read the most disterbing poem today and it litteraly made me CRY.... im talking RIVERS! (kate...tay...rachel)
my sister TANIA came finally!!! yay!!! i am very happy now that she is here ... we can talk and there is soo much to tell her.. like about the parties and the guys... and see if she's holdin down any guys in Cali... I WANT A NEICE OR NEPHEW.
my goal for this week is to write every day or close to it.. i feel that even though there isn't much going on i need to find some kind of flow to keep my journal.... so here i go! sarting with sunday...
Mood: calm and relaxed while slightly giddy
Song right now: Gob- give up the grudge
Random thought of the day: when walking in a grave yard never sit down and rest.. you might fall asleep and never wake up.


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