From the Diary of Duchess Witherington

An old tyme girl in the modern day world

Friday, August 18, 2006


Picture this:
Walking out of a Second Cup into the bright sunlight only to be almost run down by a stringy haired man pushing a beat-up bike and a crackhead swinging her arms randomly behind her back as she strolls- think Voldo from Soul Caliber type stance. Not that I make it a practice to listen in on other people conversations (lies), but this one could not be avoided and stopped me mid pull of my Icepresso (which was awesome thanks for inquiring).

Crackhead: Yea, (swings arm) I think my boyfriend loved me, and that's why he never hit me as hard as he could (swings arm)
Stringy Hair: I guess (showing broken yellow teeth)
Crackhead: (swings arm) But after I started cocaine it all seemed to go away... [exuent]

Sorry.... What? And I thought the multitude of homeless people begging for money or the crazy religious man with the huge sound system yelling out fire and brimstone or even the half naked man in the fountain dancing a jig was bad.

I may not be living in a country reminiciet of a large pub like Alex or constantly get to feel superior and berate underage drinkers like Jamie, but I have stories too!

Jamie is coming over tonight to do some gaming. We are currently attempting to make our way through Obscure, but there is just so much damn thinking attached to this game. Why we are going after these creatures without better weapons that bats (like a rocket launcher) is beyond me. Although it is hilarious hitting the other team mates with them... they just stand there and take it. Anyone play Dead Rising yet?


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