From the Diary of Duchess Witherington

An old tyme girl in the modern day world

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Ring-a Ring-a Rosy

now this is just getting for bad to worse. i haven't updated this damned diary in forever. i knew this would happen ... i am completely unreliable. we were looking at some friends blogs and i realized... i haven't been on here in such a long time. but whatever im here now.

i never really thought that girls night could actually play out like you see in the movies. but last night was an actual full movie blown girls night. makeup, masks and gossip. who would have thought. Sorry guys that you weren't invited but im not to sure you would have been as excited as we were about the deep pore clensing masks and zuccini pieces.

so YAY....FROSH WEEK APPORCHES. truly the beginning of university for any 1st year student. if work inturrputs the schedule of insane fun parties activities and random sex i think i will be very angry. as a commuter... a whole week sleepover at the dorms is a big thing!! what kinda crazyness is this that i have to come home to work for 5 only to go back at 10. by that time i will have missed everything of importance.....kinda. ahh well so is the life of s working girl. hopefully i find an on campus job. so much better than stupid old navy... although the perks are nice... gonna have to abuse them royaly before i quit!

Mood: tierd... yet really happy.... soon to be crushed by evil children (DAM WORK)
Song: De Jumbie- Scrunter
Random thought of the day: do not wipe black eyeshadow on light faded jeans, it will leave a mark.


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