From the Diary of Duchess Witherington

An old tyme girl in the modern day world

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

The last few days have been filled with the anticipation, the hunger if you will, from waiting for my birthday to come! Oh how I can barely wait for it, and the funny thing is there is no real reason for I am only turning 18, nothing special at all. Not much that I will be able to do now that I couldn’t do at 17. I can vote, buy porn, buy lottery tickets and sign up for an online dating service… how delightful huh!? OMG! The Xmen movie was the bomb… I never really followed comics but I absolutely loved that movie… provided I made it somewhat of a hell for my friends by asking them every few seconds what something meant but all in all a massively superb experience.
I feel like a heel sometime being so pushy about my birthday and going around flaunting it…I hope no one wants to kill me yet! But it’s nearly here and I am so excited to have a me day! And what a day it will be:
1. 2 classes English- stupid man of all seasons and then History- working on our story books (can’t wait for that)
2. Chamber rehearsal until 5:00! …5:00? What is that about.
3. Quick dinner with the Third Stream crew
4. Immediately leading into Practice at about 6:00 till 8:30 or so.
What a day what a day! Who couldn’t wait for that kinda day!?
Random thought of the day: What is in a name? How did we come up with these names? Does candy know that we call it candy? For candy if called by any other name would taste as sweet!


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