From the Diary of Duchess Witherington

An old tyme girl in the modern day world

Saturday, April 26, 2003

what a day, what a day! woke up at 4:30... and for what? to go to an audition in windsor...the crappiest school i have every seen! but that is not the point. i have spent the last two nights at home and from this i can tell you that cabin fever is not just an expression. not much time to think of anything but the audition today. met some nice people... too bad i'm not even considering Windsor U... who would.. if you saw what i saw you'd think the same thing, it was a dump, and the people (while nice) are not the people that i would normally associate with due to the fact i am royalty....*sigh* and guys? WHAT GUYS!!! but there were about 2 beer stores within 2 blocks of each other, a couple "adult entertainment" places and a casino...not to mention the detroit special!!
but now for a poem *ahem*:
the days are long and the nights are cold just thinking of you,
why can't you see i'd be good for you and you for me?
i lost my head the night i yelled at you instead of kissing you goodnight.
please don't go without me.

pretty crappy huh... thats what happens when you are tired! and batteries don't last long enough!!! i had to rotate 6 batteries with hopes that my cd player would keep no avail of course!
eitherway! im tired and i want to sleep... but i have two thoughts for today
1. why do some people end letters with 'i have to go now'... it's a letter.. they can put it down and come back to it!
2. if we talk and call men pigs... do pigs talk and call other pigs men?


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